Our Focus

We focus on the boys and men with the greatest need and charitable ways in which we can help them.

From historically disadvantaged boys in education, to homelessness and mass incarceration, our areas of focus will solve a worldwide crisis. We will make provisions for these men to have better lives. So we partner with other ministries, businesses, nonprofit organizations and government agencies to consolidate resources and efforts to achieve the vision and accomplish the mission. We want to partner with other leaders across the nations to develop the best strategies to make an impact on the lives of these men.

We focus on impact that we can measure beyond numbers.

We want to help people and as a result some of the world’s issues will be resolved. We focus on the individual. Ultimately, we seek justice for those who are unable to seek it for themselves. We will know that our efforts are effective:

  1. When 
recidivism decreases – the men we serve never return to prison again; when each historically disadvantaged male student graduates from high school in four years and pursues a higher education, training or business and becomes a productive citizen
  2. When 
homelessness declines – the men we serve are able to transition from our shelters within a 1-2 year period and provide for themselves and their families
  3. When more lives are added to the Kingdom of the Most High God through their belief in Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Our methods are driven by research and the Word of God, which is the final authority. Our motivation is rooted in our assignment and our mission. Our actions are aligned with the overall vision and mission of Salt and Light Evangelistic Association, Incorporated. Our effectiveness is based on the impact our initiatives have in the lives of each individual man and in the advancement of the Kingdom of the Most High God.

We seek to effect change internationally.

Our focus on male empowerment unleashes the capacity in every male to lead in his area or sphere of influence. Our resources will equip each man to have dominion in the earth through his own business, his career, headship in his family, and in the community.

Our work in the field of philanthropy will save families by restoring males back to their families. Children in the homes will improve in school. Economics in the home will improve. Homelessness and incarceration will cease in the lives of the men we serve.

When we have the model organization in one area, we will replicate our models across the nation and ultimately across the nations.


Our 3-Point Goals

Salt and Light Evangelistic Association Incorporated will do the following:

Establish Hubs
  • Establish hubs in select states and countries which serve as ministry connections to people who are called to our unique style of evangelism and in helping us accomplish our mission.
  • Host tours to teach the Kingdom through street ministry, crusades, and other activities.
Establish Transition Homes
  • Establish transition homes that serve as shelters and food banks in select areas in the nation and then duplicate this model in other countries.
Fund Building Initiatives
  • Receive donations from businesses, companies, churches, organizations, and grants that will fund the building initiatives, transition homes, food, educational supplies and other items of need, marketing, and technology resources.


360 Impact

In our charitable organization, Salt and Light Evangelistic Association, Incorporated, the Most High God gave us a three-prong focus and target.

Historically Disadvantaged Kings Grades K-12

Homeless Kings

Incarcerated Kings


Our organization supports kings at each of these three points to help them reinvent themselves and become new creatures through Christ. Kings will see 360° transformative and sustainable impact as we educate them on leadership, mindset, and Kingdom wealth; as we empower them to create their own economy, and as we equip them with strategies to enhance their ability to achieve freedom in their minds.