About Us

Who We Are
Who We Are

501(c)(3) Nonprofit Charitable Organization

Salt and Light Evangelistic Association, Incorporated (SALEAI) was founded by Jené Walker in 2016 and exists to get outside the four walls of the church to show the love of Christ through educating and helping those in need.

The Most High God (Ahayah Asher Ahayah – “I Am That I Am”) called us to serve kings. We are on a mission to cultivate and unleash the legendary leader in every boy and man we serve. We are committed to empowering boys and men around the world to live their lives like it’s golden. We desire for them to live the most productive and impactful lives. Then, they will help us advance the Kingdom of the Most High God.

Our desire is to make provisions for boys in K-12 education; to meet the needs of homeless men; and, to provide housing for incarcerated men upon their reentry. We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.  Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” ~Matthew 5:13-16


SALEAI's Mission

To level the playing field for historically disadvantaged boys in K-12 education.

To eradicate homelessness.

To eliminate recidivism.

To educate, train, and equip men for reentry.

To provide resources and housing for men in transition and reentry.

Our Core Values



Our love for the Most High God (Ahayah Asher Ahayah -“I Am That I Am”) and His people is the motivating force and the solution for all we do within our organization. We want to be the model of the love of Christ, keeping no record of wrongs and covering a multitude of sins.




We believe that in every initiative, product, and service that we create that we must model and teach legendary leadership principles. Legendary Leaders take action and take a stand for your beliefs. Legendary Leaders welcome their promotion and elevation and their names being made great. Legendary Leaders desire to leave a mark in the earth and to do something legendary for the Kingdom. We not only empower our people with information, guidance and leadership principles but we empower them to lead. 


We conduct all business – actions, ideas, operations – with integrity. We hold our character in high esteem and we choose to do the right thing at all times, even when no one is there. We will conquer and overcome every desire that causes dishonesty. We will conquer pride. Godliness and honesty will be the guides for our operations and for our teaching. We will hold each other accountable when we make mistakes and expeditiously correct our errors. 


We serve and facilitate initiatives that make an impact on the lives of those who are in need. We have an international mandate to set the captives free and help them eradicate poverty. Our services are transformative. We transform the minds and lives of people so that they are able to overcome and remain free from the bondage of poverty. Ultimately, people will see our good works and the Most High God (Ahayah Asher Ahayah – “I Am That I Am”) will be glorified, people will be led by the Holy Spirit (Rawach), and they will accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.


We are individually and corporately accountable for having an impact on the lives of those in our sphere of influence. We care about the well-being and success of each individual. We will challenge each other to live in godliness and confront one another when necessary. We will provoke each other to do good works and pick each other up when we fall. Our convictions will hold us to the highest level of truth until our purpose is fulfilled.


We believe that every product, service, and initiative should be done in a spirit of excellence and be of the highest quality. We aim to achieve our mission according to the standards in the Holy Scriptures and the Apocrypha. We pursue standards of excellence in all that we do as our efforts are an offering to the Most High God.



We strive to level the playing field for historically disadvantaged boys and men through equity and equality. It is our calling to set the captives free. We empower people in the community with information that will change the trajectory of their lives. We empower people to be able to dominate in business in an unjust system. We seek justice and give it to the weak. We maintain the rights of the afflicted. We correct oppression. We seek the Most High God Ahayah Asher Ahayah’s (I Am That I Am) justice for all kings.



We teach of the glory (wealth) of the Most High God by His authority and the power of the Holy Spirit (Rawach). Through ministry initiatives, our aim is to always improve, resurrect and awaken historically disadvantaged boys and men to who the Most High God is and who they are through Yashaya (Christ our Savior). We pray that the fire of Ahayah Asher Ahayah (I Am That I Am) is fanned by our initiatives. We pray that as every boy and man is set free, that revival will hit every region, city and nation that Salt and Light touches. We will teach of the glory of the Most High God; as we do so by His authority and the power of the Rawach (Holy Spirit), proclaiming the Kingdom of heaven is at hand, a fresh outpouring of the Most High God’s life-giving Spirit will fall upon the people.


We believe that every historically disadvantaged king, leader, and entrepreneur should be and are the first billionaires® in their families. We believe that the Most High God desires to prosper us financially. It is our responsibility to learn the following this season:

1) Steward – Learn to manage every cent we have; learn to budget each month; learn to plan the budget for the year; and learn to budget for bills and incidentals.
2) Stack – Learn how to save for an emergency, a fund that we don’t touch unless it is life or death. Then, learn to stack money for our next goal (i.e., a new house that we own, a down payment for an investment property, etc.).
3) Spend – Learn how to spend strategically – without splurging. Learn to plan our spending each month. Learn to even budget our spending for after our bills and savings. Learn to spend on profitable investments or assets (i.e., our home that we own, rental properties, land, commercial property, etc.) and not liabilities.
4) Spread – Learn to multiply our money across multiple streams of income. Learn to make our money grow. Learn to double, triple, 100x and 1000x our money through positioning (being where the Most High instructed us to be) or fully operating in our purpose. Learn to develop the kind of faith that multiplies money. Learn not to spread our money thin but to spread our money in investments that gain profits.
5) Sow – Learn to trust the Most High again in sowing seed. Learn how to distinguish the seasons to sow seed and the seasons to reap a harvest. Learn how to listen to His assessment of the ground and whether or not to sow in it. Learn to sow and expect a 1000 fold harvest in and out of season.
Dr. Jené Walker | Our Leader
Dr. Jené Walker | Our Leader

Dr. Jené Walker is the leader of the Salt and Light Evangelistic Association, Incorporated (SALEAI) Movement. Her passion is giving back to historically disadvantaged boys and men and her vision is:

Walker vision is Billions of Kingdom leaders living the golden life by:
1) manifesting billions,
2) building homes & sustainable communities,
3) producing their own food & living off the land, &
4) following the laws and funding the initiatives of the Kingdom.

Her mission is to educate, empower, equip and unleash leaders across the nations to:
1) to become legendary,
2) dominate in business,
3) leave a mark that impacts generations to come and, to
4) manifest billions.



When these kings are “free” in their minds, they will be the ones to lead, evangelize, disciple, and feed the world. SALEAI will remind them again that the Kingdom of heaven is at hand and that they are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.


SALEAI is an evangelistic as well as an apostolic, prophetic, and teaching ministry. Our primary mission is on philanthropy. Our primary teaching focus is on Kingdom Wealth and Kingdom Leadership. Our desire is not only to fund Kingdom initiatives, we also desire to build leaders who fund Kingdom initiatives.


As a Teacher, K-12 Instructional Supervisor, Assistant Principal, Associate Minister, and CEO in business for over 25 years, Dr. Walker coaches, trains and develops thousands of leaders. She creates curricula for education, businesses, churches, and nonprofits across the nations, and in male penal systems beginning in Georgia and South Carolina. Walker is the creator of the First Billionaire® Movement to help Black families to break generational poverty and produce generational wealth and become the first billionaires® in their families.


Walker published several leadership and wealth building books and resources for adults and children, including The Law of Dominion and her first children’s book, I Know Myself, I Like Myself which is a book about authentic leadership and self-awareness.

Jené Walker is also the CEO/President of for profit businesses and Salt and Light Evangelistic Association, Incorporated, a nonprofit charitable organization.